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Adolescents & Teens

Growing up is filled with exciting experiences and huge life transitions — moving from middle school to high school, navigating friendships, learning about who you are and what you want your life to look like, to developing family relationships. These transitions and changes can also be hard to move through and time of confusion and a whole lot of conflicting feelings.

We’d love to help you figure all this out. Our therapists offer a space to cry, laugh, shout, and play. We have therapists who approach working with adolescents and teens in unique ways that are individualized to each client. 

Learn more about each of our therapists below or reach out to us to discuss with one of our team members to explore who might be a good fit for you.

Expert Guides from the Sandbox to Graduation Day!

Meet ICW’s youth-savvy therapists, your allies from playtime to prom! Start the conversation and find your perfect therapist match today!

Let's start working together!